Zeiss: Teaser zum Distagon T* F2.8 15mm ZF.2/ZE auf Facebook

Zeiss hat in dessen Facebook-Gruppe und auf dem offiziellen Blog zwei Teaser gezeigt, welche wohl auf das neue Distagon T* F2.8 15mm ZF.2/ZE hinweisen.

Dazu wird geschrieben:

„Here’s the next close-up of the newest member of our SLR family of lenses.

The lens shade with 95mm filter thread is integrated into the design.

This new super wide-angle lens from Carl Zeiss will be available from May 2012.“

Hier der zweite Teaser:

„It is here: the lens at the top of the wish list of our community on Facebook and Flickr.

Now you can look forward to exploring entirely new creative opportunities.

In the next few days, this is where we will be showing you everything our new SLR lens has to offer.“

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